Wednesday , 24 April 2024
How To Edit Blogger Template XML File On Android

How To Edit Blogger Template XML File On Android

Do you want to make some changes to your Blogger template XML file but don’t have a computer? Believe it or not, you can edit your template directly from your Android device!

Sometimes Adding codes to blogger templates becomes very difficult especially when you haven’t learned to edit XML blogger templates in as much as editing your theme will always hang on mobile making things difficult.

As we all know that not every Blogger have a PC to edit their templates therefore this article will be very helpful to mobile bloggers who are looking for how to edit XML blogger template.

In this blog post, we’ll show you step-by-step how to access and edit your Blogger template’s XML file on an Android device.

By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to tweak your template to your heart’s content – all from your Android phone or tablet.

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How to Edit XML Blogger Template On Android

  • Firstly, download and Install X-plorer App on your Android mobile.
  • Now go to your Blogspot site and download the current theme you want to Edit or make modifications.
  • Open your X-plorer Android App.
  • Then, find the folder in which you download the XML file via X-plorer.

Then, click on your XML Blogger Template

  • It will display all your Blog Codes, then click on the top right button for options.

  • Click on Edit text, now you can change any code you like to change, you can also search text/code at the top.

  • After you have done this, then click on the right button and SAVE.
  • Now you have done that, then go back to your blogger dashboard –> Theme —> Backup/restore and upload your template That’s all.

CHECK ALSO: Best Blogger Template: Simple and Responsive

Final Thought

In conclusion, editing a Blogger template file on your Android device is possible and can be done with relative ease. The steps outlined above should help you make the necessary changes in your Blogger template.

It’s important to be careful while making changes as one wrong move can crash your website. Make sure to keep a backup of the file before making any changes so that you can revert back in case something goes wrong. With a little bit of patience and the right tools, you can easily modify your Blogger template.

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